Be Inspired! How? With Simple Challenges

Today was a good day!  Upon leaving work, I told myself I wanted to watch the sunset this evening.  Why? Simply because I enjoy watching nature at its finest.

I drove home, changed into something more casual and drove to the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook.  When I reached the location there was no parking so I drove around and around. Now I'm frustrated! The sun started her decent into the abyss.  There was no parking insight.  I drove along the side streets of this industrial area and found parking all the way at the end of block.

What seemed like a country mile, I walked up to the gateway of what looks like the ruins of prehistoric culture.  What you see is a stack of uneven concrete stairs with dust and sand surrounding them. These stairs were the only obstacle between me and my sunset.

No doubts! Just certainty!  I said I will get to the top before the sunsets.  And off I go one step at a time. One breathe at a time. I took my time while telling myself I will make it to the top to see the sunset. I will make it to the top to see the sunset.  Before you know it, 12 minutes later I rose to the top just as the sunsets.  I was so happy and proud of this simple challenge I achieved today.  I sat there amazed at the sun's beauty, trying to catch my breathe. and drinking my cold homemade green tea water.

Be Inspired by giving yourself simple challenges to do things we so often take for granted.  I hope you had a wonderful day.

Yacht Parties! Sail Boats! Oh I dare to Dream!

I was grateful to be invited to my friend's yacht party in Marina Del Rey this past weekend.  The atmosphere, the people and champagne was truly a treat.  I love sailing in general and secretly wish to live on a boat docked in the Mediterranean sea.  I dare to Dream!