Day 17 of my 21-day Brazilian booty challenge

So what started out to be a simple run up a few hills at Griffith Park Trails today, ended up being a serious hike down a slope of rocks, mud and whatever else.  Of course, Portia's response was it's ok, I'm glad it rained it's good for traction.  I'm like O.K. Sometimes I think this girl makes up trails to see if I will do it.   And I do!  Side note, during the process I am kicking and screaming but at the end I am happy and grateful to have a friend that pushes me beyond my limits.  

All and all it was great day of movement. I learned to stretch each muscle at least 10 seconds cause my calves were burning today. Afterwards went to farmers markets for fruits and veggies, got some lavender epsom salt, took a hot bath and laid it down. How did you spend your Sunday afternoon?

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