Moving: "Day 1 of my 21-day Brazilian Booty Challenge"

I challenge myself to move my whole body for the next 21 days. This Brazilian Booty Challenge includes Running for 30 minutes, 50 situps, 25 squats & 10 pushups.

If you're like me, when it gets cold outside I prefer to snuggle in my bed.  Unfortunately that means hitting the snooze button and no working out.  I mean don't get me wrong I will hit up a hiking trail on the weekends but I am talking about consistently moving my whole body daily.

In order to kick start a consistent work out routine, I decided to challenge myself to exercise daily for the next 21 days.
Why 21 days? Well apparently 21 days is the magic number to create a new habit.

For me the ultimate goal is to create a new habit of whole body movement.  I run 10k races and all but the strength training is not a language I speak fluently.   In an effort to incorporate strength and flexibility into my cardio workouts I have chosen to start with what I know how to do. In the meantime educate myself on the latter.

I hope you decide to join me. If so track your progress, take pictures and share with us so we can motivate one another. Email me at and I will post on the blog.

Feel free to change the routine to fit your needs. Remember the ultimate goal is to Get Moving and when you get that Brazilian booty, well that's just the icing on the cake.  

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