Believe that you have choices

I am so happy and truly grateful to have chosen a journey I believe in and enjoy. Because when the time comes when you feel negative emotions of  fear or anxiety you really need to "believe in something, anything, that gives you the courage and strength to continue on when it would be so easy to give up" -Rachel Snyder. 

I had to reread this quote last night because after my fashion design class I went home feeling despair and uncertainty about my designs because my fashion design instructor suggested a different path in my collection than what I originally selected.  I respect my teacher and value her knowledge and training but at the end of the day I have to follow my instincts.  I felt calm after rereading the above quote because I know I have choices and I believe in myself.  So I wanted to share with you today, just in case someone has shared a similar experience and chose to ignore their own internal guidance. 

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