Imagine" living on a Positive Peak

Imagine moving through the universe on the highest positive peak all the time.  From the time you get out of bed, make love, work out, have coffee, morning ritual, to work, lunch, breaks and most important after work.  What do you do? How do you spend your time? I read about a philosopher who believes he gets more work done after 6pm when everyone is drinking he's working.  I thought wow, when I'm not at school I have at least 3 to 4 hours to be present and practice my passions.  I want to be 100% present and available for my mind, body, spirit and craft at the highest possible positive peak available.  Let's work on that.

Also I've been thinking about practicing my passions alot lately.  Just a little practice everyday.  Because I'm so in my head I have to come up with a plan of action and schedule when I'm going to design and style from a creative standpoint.  I am still learning the basic principles of designs so I imagine I'd be reading and researching about designers who've made an impact and why.  So stay tuned in for my 365 day plan to practice my passions.  You know what they say, if you can do something everyday for a year you will be a Master.  That is what I aim for to be a master at design, be it apparel, shoes, accessories, we shall see.  Thanks for reading.  Peace
photo credit: Malaika

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